What is high pressure tanning?

High Pressure tanning beds combines high pressure quartz lamps with a filtering system to insure you receive 99% UVA tanning rays. High pressure lamps produce UVA & UVB in different ratios than conventional tanning beds; just enough UVB to produce the melanin required to tan and a lot of UVA to oxidize the melanin and turn it golden brown. UVA rays, sometimes known as the “gentle tanning ray”, not only tan the very most outer layer of skin, but also tans the 2nd and 3rd sub-layers of the epidermis, giving a deeper, longer lasting tan. Even as your outer layer exfoliates, the layers beneath are still tan. UVA light does not cause the outer layer of skin to thicken. Every living thing exfoliates (sheds) its outer layer. We normally exfoliate our outer layer of skin once every 28 days. The UVB emitted by conventional tanning beds and the sun, cause our body’s natural exfoliation cycle to increase to once every 7 days. So with a conventional tanning bed not only do you tan just your outer layer of skin, you also lose this outer layer (your tan) in just a matter of days. This is why a tan from a conventional tanning bed fades so rapidly and requires so many sessions to maintain. This is also why you reach a point in a conventional tanning bed, where you just can’t seem to get any darker. Because high pressure beds tan with almost 100% UVA, our body’s are allowed to return to their natural 28 day exfoliation cycle. Meaning your tan requires very little maintenance. And because UVA tans deeper, our natural exfoliation reveals beautifully tanned skin.

What is the difference between the natual sun, high pressure tanning beds and low pressure tanning beds?

A simple explanation would be that Natural sunlight varies during the day from low UVB in the early morning to high UVB in the mid day sun. Low pressure tanning has the sunburn potential of the midday sun and the sun tanning potential of the early morning sun. High pressure tanning offers the tanning potential of the mid-day sun and the burning potential of the early morning sun. High Pressure Tanning allows you to visit the salon 3-4 times a month! One 12 minute treatment is equivalent to 5-6 treatments in a conventional low pressure bed, or a whole day in the Caribbean sun.  A course of about 4 sessions will give you a deep, base tan. To maintain this tan, you only need to tan every 1-2 weeks.  With high-pressure tanning, you get darker, faster…and keep it longer!

                            WAXING FAQ

Give me the low down…What is a Brazilian wax?
A Brazilian wax is the complete removal of all of the hair down there. Labia’s and back side. Some people like to keep a small landing strip or triangle. 

Does it matter what type of wax is used?
Yes! It absolutely does! For sensitive areas such as the face, underarms and bikini area hard wax is best. A hard wax melts at a much lower temperature than soft wax. It is applied and removed without a strip. Because it is used at such a low temperature, we can go over an area several times if needed without causing irritation. For larger areas such as legs and back, a soft wax is typically used. 

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